Thursday, March 20

The meaning of Easter is...


So, what's your favourite chocolate?

I like flake, galaxy ripple, white chocolate like milky bar buttons, toffee crisp, twirl, fudge chocolate, double decker, boost, fruit and nut, maltesers, areo, orange chocolate, milky way, mars bars, and of course Easter eggs :)


RoaR said...

I just remembered I also like crunchie, snickers and biscuit bars like penguins and rocky bars

Anonymous said...

Yum yum! Would be easier to say the ones I don't like: Mars bars and dark chocolate

oh I might be coming to yours on Thursday :) and I changed your name on my blogroll.

RoaR said...

How can you not like mars bars?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i didn't get the smarties egg :( really wanted it too

RoaR said...

Would you like a virtual Easter egg??? They're great. You can eat as much as you like without feeling sick, thirsty, or getting fat

Atypical said...

i didn't comment on this because well, i've gone off chocolate, the only ones i seem to like at the moment are malteasers, anything else i take a few bites/eat a few blocks and feel sick....

RoaR said...

Just a temporary measure: You need my virtual chocolate. You can eat as much as you like without feeling sick.

Anonymous said...

i just dont find choclate exciting anymore: theres too much of it around. Its like takeaways - theres no fn and build up to it- because when ur older you can eat as much of it whenever you wnat!

now you cant call me a lurker any more- i commented (even a depressing comment is a comment)

RoaR said...

Yay, one more commenter!